For the Love of Horses Tour
Are you an animal lover yearning to get out of the city? Do you enjoy bonding with gentle creatures in a beautiful setting? Are you craving fresh air, lush green forest, and fun with a
Mt Fuji view? You’re in luck! Even if you have a limited schedule, Okamoto Riding Club Japan can provide an amazing horseback riding experience!
Even as a beginner, you will experience a riding adventure from start to finish. Your bonding experience begins as you help your horse prepare for the ride. Okamoto horses, selected
from the finest breeders worldwide, have a stellar reputation for calm temperaments, smooth riding abilities, and willingness to bond with humans. After the excursion at the foot of
majestic Mt Fuji, you can feed, groom, and hug your horse as much as you want. Upon transport back to the city, you will feel transformed, rejuvenated, and refreshed.
Your photos and videos will make your friends and family jealous! Click here for details: